Anchors can public (which is the default) or private: the proof receipt of a public anchor can be discovered by anyone having the data, while the proof receipt of a private anchor requires to know the identifier of the anchor to be retrieved.
Public anchors
The proof receipt of a public anchor is discoverable by anyone knowing the hash of the data (including people with no Woleet account). This allows anyone having the data to retrieve and verify all public proofs related to it:
- use the GET /anchorids endpoint to retrieve the identifiers of all the public anchors related to this hash
- use the GET /receipt/{anchorid} endpoint to retrieve the proof receipts from the anchor identifiers
- use the POST /receipt/verify endpoint (or any other Chainpoint compatible tool) to verify the proof receipts.
Private anchors
The proof receipt of a private anchor is not discoverable from the hash of the data. It requires to know the anchor identifier to be retrieved. Thus, the creator of the anchor needs to provide the identifier of the anchor (or the proof receipt) and the data to anyone wanting to verify the proof.