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Woleet API 1.7.3 release note

API and Callback errors history

When you call the Woleet API, errors (if any) are now recorded and you can access them in the new ProofDesk's "Developer" page - "API" tab.
In the same way, when our platform call your callback URLs, errors (if any) are now recorded and you can access them in the new ProofDesk's "Developer" page - "Callback" tab.

This greatly facilitate the debugging of your integration of the Woleet API.

Note that errors are pruned after 30 days.

Signature requests' callback URL

Signature request can now have a callback URL: our platform will try to call this URL any time a new signature is registered and any time the state of the signature request is changed (DRAFT, PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, CLOSED, COMPLETED, CANCELED, EXPIRED, ...).