Woleet API 1.5.3 release note
almost 6 years ago by Lay3r
- added: ProofDesk for Teams users can now use their on premise Woleet.ID Server to sign in to ProofDesk using their Woleet.ID Server credentials, to sign files using their Woleet.ID Server identity and default key and to create signature requests for other Woleet.ID Server users by searching for their email or name
- added: Customers using custom plans can now be charged and notified for off-plan crédits usage.
- improved: /receipt/verify endpoint returns a new TX_NOT_CONFIRMED status code when the transaction is not yet included in a block, and thus no timestamp can be reported.
- improved: Credit usage is now reported to the customer by email when credit get low (less than 10% of plan total credits) and when there is no more credits.
- fixed: Various fixes in the payment workflow.