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Woleet API 1.7.7 release note

Proof bundles

This release introduce the concept of "proof bundle", a JSON file containing all the proofs associated with a given signature request:

  • one proof receipt for each signature
  • one proof receipt for the audit trail (which is signed by Woleet)

The proof bundle is embedded as attachement in the signature attestation PDF document generated when the signature request is completed or closed.

Both the proof bundle or the signature attestation document can be selected in Woleet Auditor or ProofDesk to 'scope' the set of proofs to verify to a specific signature request.

Woleet Sign

New user experience for signature request creation

Woleet Auditor

Can now use proof bundles and signature attestation documents as proof receipt containers.


New endpoint to download the proof bundle of a signature request
The proof bundle is embedded in the signature attestation document
Signature attestation document no longer display the signer's phone number is no OTP is required
Signature attestation document now supports most extended/i18n characters


The proof bundle of a signature request can now be downloaded.
The proof verification page can now use proof bundles and signature attestation documents as proof receipt containers.